History of anarchism and anarchic societies
- Breaking the Chains: A History of Anarchism, Lucien van der Walt
- 65 Years of Revolution: The Anarchist Federation of Uruguay, Oliver Zuzenko
- Anarchist Popular Power: Dissident Labor and Armed Struggle in Uruguay, 1956–76, Troy Andreas Araiza Kokinis (book)
- Anarchism and Social Movements in Brazil (1903–2013), Felipe Corrêa, Rafael Viana da Silva, Kauan Willian dos Santos
- Means and Ends: The Revolutionary Practice of Anarchism in Europe and the United States, Zoe Baker (book)
- From Lenin to Stalin: an introduction, Tommy Lawson
- The Best Feminist You’ve Never Heard Of: He-Yin Zhen, Zoe Baker
- Anarchism in Korea, Dongyoun Hwang
- Anarchism in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia
- To Those Who Work It: Ricardo Flores Magón and the EZLN
- African Anarchism, Sam Mbah & I.E. Igariwey (book)
- Cuban Anarchism: The History of A Movement, Frank Fernández
- Syria: Erasing an Inconvenient Revolution